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  • Dec, 11 2023
  • Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department, Chandigarh, Haryana

    Hiring of Chartered Accountants Firm/ Agency for providing four Chartered Accountants ICWA for compilation and preparation/finalization of Cash, Stock & Inventory Data for the Annual Summarized Accounts & Checking of Monthly Accounts of all Districts in Haryana for the financial year 2018-19 to and 2022-23 duly certified and preparation & submission of Final Incidentals Cost Sheet of Procurement Season wise i.e. RMS/KMS for the FY 2017-18 to 2022-23

    Address : Chandigarh, Haryana

    Phone : 8826246593

    Email : support-eproc@nic.in

    Posted On: 22 Nov 2023    Total no of viewer  757