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  • Dec 18, 2024
  • Income Tax Department regrets issuing erroneous notices to taxpayers: Know the details

    The Income Tax Department has recalled the defective ITR notices sent to many taxpayers who have correctly filed their income tax returns (ITR). Experts are surprised the tax department has accepted its own mistake in sending the wrong tax notices to the taxpayers. While it's a relief for taxpayers, the tax department sending defective notices is also concerning. There might be some taxpayers who filed a revised ITR against the tax notice sent by the tax department. This is because not everyone has the time, resources or desire to take up a battle with the government.

    Read on to find out what happened and how taxpayers got relief from the tax notice.

    What Income Tax Department says about wrong tax notice
    The Income Tax Department, on November 29, 2024, sent a tax notice for a defective ITR to multiple taxpayers.