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  • Jul 22, 2024
  • No need to file revised ITR in case of errors: You can 'discard' filed ITR and refile but only if it has not been verified

    Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you carefully selected and filled in the details in the income tax return (ITR) form but after submitting it you realised that some details were either missed to be reported or incorrectly stated? What are your options to rectify such mistakes? Prior to FY2022-23 (AY 2023-24), if you made such mistakes there was no way to change it - you had to verify the ITR which had incomplete or incorrect information and then file a revised ITR. However, now with the 'Discard ITR' option, you no longer need to follow the old process. You can discard (delete) the non-verified ITR even after filing it and file a fresh ITR.

    What is a 'Discard ITR' option in the ITR e-filing portal?
    'Discard ITR' is a functionality enabled by the Income Tax Department wherein you can discard (delete) the filled-up ITR form and start the process again. Imagine you type something in a draft email and then delete all the content before sending it to the intended recipient. You can write fresh content and send the email.

    "Users can avail of this option only if the ITR status is 'Unverified'/ 'Pending for Verification'. There is no restriction on availing of this option multiple times. Precondition: 'ITR status' is 'Unverified'/'Pending for Verification', said the Income tax department on its website as of July 20, 2024.