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News GST

  • Jul 05, 2024
  • Enhancements to Address-Related Fields in GST Registration Functionalities

    Dear Taxpayers,

    The Following enhancements have been made to address-related fields in the registration functionalities: New Registration, Amendment Application (Core & Non-Core), and Geocoding Business Addresses. These enhancements are based on the analysis of tickets and user feedback. The details are as follows:

    1. Update in Validations applicable while entering the address in address-related fields.

    a. Address is in India:

    • The fields PIN Code, State, District, and City/Town/Village are interlinked and must be selected from the autosuggestions.

    • For other fields, taxpayer in addition to alphanumeric values can add limited special characters such as Hyphen (-), Forward Slash (/), Ampersand (&), Comma (,), Apostrophes ('), Hash(#), Period(.), Small Brackets (), Inverted Commas (""), Colon (:), Semi Colon (;), Underscore (_) and Space. Other Special Characters are not allowed.

    • Additionally, special characters are not allowed at the beginning of the entry.
    • Example: When entering an address, you can input "123 Main St. #4, Apt (5A)" but not "#123 Main St." as special characters like the hash(#) are not permitted at the beginning.