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Question ID : 44700

Notice u/s.61 and notice u/s.65 for same period for same assessee

where for FY 2020-21 a notice u/s 61 for Scrutiny was issued & certain points raised, but before the process was completed u/s 61, a notice u/s 65 was issued for complete audit of the same FY which is due to take place during the present month of August 2024, and after the issue of notice for audit u/s 65, SCN has been issued u/s 73(1) for issues raised in ASMT-10, which remain uncluded at the time of issue of notice u/s 65..... the PO too is the same & its a case of STATE GOVT .... MY QUERY HERE IS - CAN TWO PROCEEDINGS UNDER TWO DIFFERENT SECTIONS FOR SAME ASSESSEE AND SAME PERIOD BE CONTINUED PARALELLY BY SAME PROPER OFFICER

posted by CA ATUL TOSHNIWAL on Aug 1 2024 12:00AM

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