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Question ID : 44575

How to claim input GST on online trading of Goods

The dealer sells goods through flipkart say for Rs100/- per unit. Flipkart pays Rs. 30 for delivery charges and remits Rs. 30 to the dealer with GST. The turnover is booked at RS. 70 with GST for a sale of Rs. 100. Besides the input GST on delivery charges paid by Flipkart is passed on to the dealer as it is booked on the dealer's GST. The dealer is recording a gross profit of Rs 40 being 70-30 = 40 ( booked turnover- delivery charges) where his gross profit is 100-30=70. Hence resulting in a loss with heavy input to be reversed. How do we deal with this situation?

posted by Y.KANAKAMAHALAKSHMI on Nov 15 2023 12:00AM

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