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Question ID : 44490

Taxation in hands of employee

Mr. A is an employee of M/s XYZ Private Limited. He has received some ESOP over the period of time during his employment with M/s XYZ Private Limited. Now, M/s XYZ Private Limited who were holding around 80% of stake in startup decided to exit from the startup and sell the whole stake. Due to the exit from this startup the valuation of M/s XYZ Private limited has gone down and board decided to compensate the ESOP holders. Board decided to pay say Rs. 100,000/- per ESOP to its employee as compensation for loss in valuation before and after the exit from startup. Que.: What will be taxation of this receipt in the hands of employee?

posted by samirkumar gokulbhai kasvala on May 18 2023 12:00AM

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