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Question ID : 42219

Date Of Registration Of Our Firm With The RBI

Our Firm's UCN With RBI Is 956526(The Firm's FRN Is 015385C). The UCN Was Allotted Over 7 Years Ago And We Have No Record Of The Date Of Registration Of Our Firm With The RBI. In The Application For Empanelment Of Chartered Accountants For The Concurrent Audit 2022-23 Hosted By Certain Nationalised Banks ,The Date Of Registration With RBI Is Shown As A Mandatory Field To Be Filled. However, Despite Our Best Efforts ,Our Online Search In This Regard Has Been In Vain. We Would Greatly Appreciate It If You Could Assist In Obtaining The Date Of Registration Of The Firm With RBI As Early As Possible As Possible.

posted by GUNJAN CHHAJED on Feb 15 2022 12:00AM

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