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Question ID : 40833

Reclassification of authorised share capital:SH7 rejection

Reclassified existing authorised share capital of rs. 10 lakhs(1 lakhs equity shares of rs. 10 each) to revised share capital of rs.1o lakhs (80k equity shares of rs. 10 each and 20k preference shares of rs. 10 each) and passed special resolution MGT 14 is approved by ROC but SH7 has been sent for resubmission on the ground that " No conversion/re-classification of Equity Shares into Preference Shares or vice. Versa has been permitted under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (even not provided in Section 61 of the Act), therefore, Pl explain why not e-form may be consideredfor rejection." Please advice Whether we need to file sh7 at all? Read morts/details.asp?mod_id=2807799

posted by Rohit Gupta on Sep 17 2020 12:00AM

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