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Question ID : 37981

refund query

Department had asked clarification for ITC on SS utensils which is finished product. We are purchasing SS patta which is coverted into utensils by way of jobwork. SS Patta is charged 18%, selling utensils at 12%. we are also purchasing ss utensils 12% and selling it@ 12%. As all the items i.e. ss utensils purchased and manufactured are sold from common stock it is difficult to separate manufactured & purchased utensils. Department is denying the refund for Ss utensils Net ITC which is purchased by way of finished product. Circular No. 79/53/2018-GST -31/12/18 issued in which point 4a mentioned - Where there are multiple inputs attracting different rates, in the formula provided in rule 89(5) of the CGST Rules, Net ITC covers ITC availed on all inputs irrespective of their rate of tax. We applied for refund of inputs only. But Departmental officer denied that ss utensils purchased is not input under inverted tax structure. Rule 89(5) Max. Refund Amount = {(Turnover of inverted rated supply of goods and services) x Net ITC ÷ Adjusted Total Turnover} - tax payable on such inverted rated supply of goods and services. We are eligible for refund by considering the NET ITC of all input availed.If we take all the sales (mfg & trading) under inverted sales then tax on all sales should be reduced as per formula, net ITC should include for all input as per formula. Means as per formula given by rules refund for trading items of finished product is nullified. As tax on inverted sales @12% is reduced from Net ITC which also include tax on finished product@12%. Please suggest that stand taken by department is correct?

posted by Viral Shah on Feb 14 2019 12:00AM

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