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Question ID : 32785

Regarding IGST on Goods Re-Imported after repair.

Sir, When Goods are exported for Repair outside india and re-import after such repair then by virtue of Notification No. 94/96-customs dated 16.12.1996 custom duty is leviable only on fair cost of repair +freight (both side) + insurance & not on value of goods. But after levy of custom duty whether it is further liable for IGST on such cost of repair+freight+insurance because under IGST exemption only value of goods exempted not cost of repair? If IGST leviable on cost of repair then it will conflict the section 13 (3)(a) of IGST Act as per which Place of supply is outside india & once POS is outside india then why such cost of repair is subject to IGST on Re-import. Please guide.

posted by Shyamprakash Nagarmal Agarwal on Aug 26 2018 12:00AM

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