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Question ID : 44735

Income Tax Return filed by a Gratuity Trust but not required to be filed under section 139 - Demand

Vide CIRCULAR NO.18/2017 [F.NO.385/01/2015-IT(B)] dated 29-05-2017, it is provided in para 4 of the Circular that accordingly, it has been decided that in case of below mentioned funds or authorities or Boards or bodies, by whatever name called, referred to in section 10 of the Income-tax Act, whose income is unconditionally exempt under that section and who are also statutorily not required to file return of income as per section 139 of the Income-tax Act, there would be no requirement for tax deduction at source, since their income is anyway exempt under the Income-tax Act. Question: However, a recognised provident Fund inadvertently filed its return of income which was processed by CPC and raised a tax demand. We have replied to the TRO that a recognised provident fund is not required to file income tax return hence the demand should be struck off. He replied that assessee fails to answer the question as to if the recognised trust is not required to file income tax return then why it was filed? And asking the demand to be paid. Please advise.

Posted by Babulal Sharma on Sep 27, 2024


Answer ID : 85564

File appeal.....that is a good remedy

Posted by SIVADAS CHETTOOR on Jan 03, 2025