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Question ID : 44715

UDIN Generation

An audit report was issued on 1st August and subsequently the auditor issued another revised audit report on 5th August with changes in the wordings of the new audit report along with a new udin in 5th August since time limit to revoke the udin for 1st August has elapsed. How ever there was no changes in the figures of the FS on both the dates. Now will the new udin with revised audit report will overrule over the old udin as two udins were generated for the same set of FS? The assessee is a non corporate audit client and assessee is not liable to get its accounts audited under IT act or any other act and declares his income under 44AD(he voluntarily choose to get its accounts audited basically to apply for tenders) kindly guide whether any requirements to be followed

Posted by CA INDRANEEL BISWAS on Aug 21, 2024

Filed Under AUDIT