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Your Answer

Question ID : 44572

Can a member in practice holding COP join as lecturer in college

A member holding COP as a full time in practice. Now he decides to join a college as lecturer. The working hours are less than 24 hours in a week. Does it requires any special permission or it is covered under general permission.

Posted by GAJENDRA C BANDI on Nov 13, 2023


Answer ID : 85207

Yes, a Chartered Accountant in practice is allowed to accept teaching assignment in university, affiliated colleges, educational institution, coaching organization, private tutorship under the specific permission of the Council , provided the direct teaching hours devoted to such activities taken together do not exceed 25 hours a week . So in your case special permission not required.

Posted by VINAY BHARGAV KUMAR G on Nov 14, 2023
Answer ID : 85209

No Special permission required

Posted by SURAJ KUMAR CHOUDHARY on Nov 14, 2023
Answer ID : 85216


Posted by CA Shrawan Suthar on Nov 20, 2023
Answer ID : 85303

Special permission is required as per Clause 11, Part-I & Regulation 190A, if a practicing Chartered Accountant engage in educational Institution as a lecturer not exceeding 25 hours in a week.

Posted by Hari Beldona on Feb 03, 2024