Question ID :
Certificate on Interest Equalization
Dear Sir,
With respect to your mail seeking certificate from us, we would like to bring to your attention in respect of Interest Equalization Certificate that :
As per RBI circular RBI/2015-16/259 DBR.Dir.BC.No.62/04.02.001/2015-16 dated 4th December 2015, " The claims should be accompanied by an External Auditor’s Certificate (with stamp and membership number) certifying that the claim for interest equalisation of Rupees…………….. for the month ended ………….. has been verified and found to be strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Government scheme enclosed with the circular DBR.Dir.BC.No.62/04.02.001/2015-16 dated December 4, 2015. Claims for reimbursement will be considered for settlement only after receipt of this certificate."
Here, concurrent auditors cannot be considered as External Auditor from Banks point of view. The certificate if any to be obtained should be obtained from the Statutory Auditor of the Borrower. A certificate from an external auditor i.e. statutory auditor of the Borrower would be relevant here since there are few conditions given in the RBI circulars which cannot be verified by us. Few of the conditions enumerated in the circular that cannot be verified by us are as under-
a) The extended Scheme will not be available to those beneficiaries who are availing the benefit under any Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme of the government.
b) All eligible exports under the scheme would have to meet the criteria of minimum processing for the goods to be called as Originating from India and would be governed by provision of Paragraph 2.108 (a) (Rules of Origin [Non preferential]) of Handbook of Procedures of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020.
c) The scheme will be available to all exports under 416 tariff lines [at ITC (HS) code of 4 digit]as per Annexure A and exports made by Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) across all ITC(HS) codes.
Also, an article regarding the same issue was published in Economic Times wh
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Aug 03, 2023
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Answer ID :
Not clear what is the querry
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Jan 26, 2025