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Your Answer

Question ID : 44351


X (Land Owner) and Y (Developers) created a LLP firm namely XY LLP , where according to capital contribution clause X will introduce Land as his capital cont part and Y will invest amount . NO other activity has made till 31.03.2021 and No bank account opened . The Management has drafted balances sheet as on 31.03.2021 by assets as Land and Investment and in assets Capital cont. with disclosures that Land are regd in personal name pf X partner Querry Whether above acts are legal . Can we further proceeds as Land as assets without their Title in Firms name what is best way to proceed further

Posted by SANDEEP KAPOOR on Aug 25, 2022

Filed Under MISC.

Answer ID : 83683

No. The land should be transferred first in the name of the registered partnership firm.

Posted by CA. JHA SHANKAR KUMAR on Sep 01, 2022
Answer ID : 83684

No. The land should be transferred first in the name of the registered partnership firm.

Posted by CA. JHA SHANKAR KUMAR on Sep 01, 2022