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Question ID : 28450

To form subsidiary of Foreign Company

Singapore base private company whose two Directors are Indian. The Sigapore base company wants to form a private company as Subsidiary of foreign company for renewable energy . 99 percent shares to be held by Singapore base company i.e subscriber of MOA AOA represent by the Director of the Sigapore base company whose Nationality is Indian but presently resident in Sigapore not having DIN and rest 1 percent to be held another person who resident in India having DIN. My query is what kind of documents(with Apostillised) to be attached INC SPICE-32 in respect Director who is presently resident in Sigapore and whether prior permission for formation of Subsidiary of Foreign company to be taken from RBI ?

Posted by Pinaki Maji on Feb 08, 2018

Filed Under Companies Act, 2013