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  • Nov 25, 2015
  • Govt inks 11 pacts to sort transfer-pricing issues

    The government has concluded 11 agreements to tax multi-national companies via the transfer-pricing mode. Of these, one advance pricing agreement (APA) has a 'rollback provision', which means those relating to previous years.
    The government has signed 22 APAs so far in the current financial year and 30 more are expected to be inked in FY16, providing a climate of certainty and non-adversarial tax regime to foreign companies.The APAs were signed with companies in sectors ranging from investment advisory, contract research & development, and shipping services. The conclusion of APAs will facilitate the clearance of the large backlog of around 550 applications with the authorities, and ensure the lowering of tax litigations in the country.

    Source - http://www.business-standard.com