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Question ID : 38113

GST on Reimbursement of Expenses

While issuing Statutory Audit Bill , Should we add Travelling exp bill without charging GST Travelling Exp include Lodging charges on which GST has been charged by Hotel

Posted by Mahesh Kumar on Apr 25, 2019

Filed Under GST

Answer ID : 76515

Section 15(2)(c) of the CGST Act 2017 Incidental expenses, including commission and packing, charged by the supplier to the recipient of a supply and any amount charged for anything done by the supplier in respect of the supply of goods or services or both at the time of, or before delivery of goods or supply of services. Hence i am of the view that reimbursements will be included in the value of supply and GST to be charged on the same

Posted by CA. BISHT RAKESH on Apr 26, 2019