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Question ID : 31663


There are two unregistered trusts. Both are having school under trust.One of which Gross receipt exceed 2 crore and another gross receipt below 2 crore. Sir, following are my questions 1) Which form of ITR to be submitted? 2) Whether audit required under both the cases? 3) If audit required than which form to be submitted (form 10B or 3CB3CD)?

Posted by SUDHIR KUMAR on Jun 01, 2018


Answer ID : 68719

Its depend upon the objects of trust if trust is public charitable then ITR 7 if private trust then ITR -5. Form 10 B to be filed only when trust is registered us 12A otherwise Audit as per according to Trust deed . Further if trust is doing some commercial activity then Form 3CB3CD require to file.

Posted by SANDEEP KAPOOR on Jun 01, 2018
Answer ID : 68728

The trusts can claim exemption us 10(23C)(iiiad) if the schools are wholly or substantially financed by goverment as required by section 10(23C)(iiiad) and the gross receipts does not exceeds Rs. 1crore so accordingly ITR-7 will required to file. If the schools are not substantially or wholly financed by goverment or the gross receipts exceeds Rs. 1crore then the trusts are to be treated as AOP and ITR 5 will required to be submitted. Audit wll be required in case when the gross receipts exceeds Rs. 1crore. Form 10B is audit report for trusts registered us12AA. Hence in this cases 10B is not required.

Posted by NIKITA LONGWANI on Jun 04, 2018
Answer ID : 68730

ITR 5. Audit depends on Trust deed

Posted by VINAY BHARGAV KUMAR G on Jun 05, 2018
Answer ID : 68746

ITR 7 or ITR 5 as per object of the trust. Audit is required in Form 10B if it registered us 12AA of the Income tax.

Posted by CA. SATISH CHAND GARG on Jun 06, 2018
Answer ID : 69814

ITR 7 is applicable irrespective of the fact whether your trust is regd or not provided the income is derived from property held under trust for charitable purposes.

Posted by SIVADAS CHETTOOR on Jun 24, 2018